Technical Features
Game Features
- Item / crafting tree system
- Automated factory pipeline system
- Dynamic weather simulation
- Storm rendering
- Dynamic climate, microclimates in specific regions
- Storms/clouds/radar/temperature/winds synchronized over client/server
- Weather forecasting
- Weather map rendering
- Snow accumulation / melting
- Dedicated or in-process server
- 2 player online co-op support with player-hosted servers
- Epic Games API integration for authentication
- First-person camera
- Wield and use items
- Mouse-picking with OBBs and AABBs
- Vegetation
- Generated based on regional climate
- Flight system
- Base-building
- Building construction/deconstruction/configuration/repairs
Engine Features
- Networking
- Custom binary protocol or JSON (for debugging)
- Client/Server model
- Client-side interpolation
- Authoritiative game server features
- Client-side prediction
- Renderer
- Shader loading / hot-reloading
- OpenGL support, more APIs will be supported
- Instanced rendering
- Transparency pipeline
- Pre-pass, post-processing
- Forward rendering
- Double precision world coordinates
- Input Processing
- Controller and keyboard/mouse support
- Game loop
- Fixed and variable rate processing
- 3D models
- OBJ file format support
- Normal maps
- Custom bounding volumes
- AABB/OBB calculation
- UV sphere generation
- Screen-space model outline rendering
- Programmatic animations
- Entity heirarchies for handling rotations
- Quaternion and euler rotations
- Sound system
- 3D spatial sound with prioritization system
- OpenAL
- OGG Vorbis streaming
- WAV sound effects
- World editor
- Terrain editor
- Model placement
- Model editor
- Used for loading, debugging, and configuring individual models
- Lighting
- Variant of Blinn-Phong shading
- Fresnel
- Point lights
- Frustum culling
- Terrain
- Height map with normals / tangents
- Custom serialization
- Texturing based off of the Witcher 3 terrain design
- Chunked terrain with multi-threaded streaming from disk + memory
- Tri-planar mapping
- Sky dome
- Day/night cycle
- Dynamic cloud cover based off of perlin noise
- Particles
- Soft particles
- Shadows
- Cascaded shadow maps
- Soft-shadows (Exponential and variance shadow maps)
- God/crepuscular rays in screen space
- Anti-aliasing (FXAA)
- Ambient occlusion (SSAO)
- Text rendering
- Signed-distance field fonts
- UI system
- Immediate-mode UI
- Scalable
- World-space HUD
- Water
- Gerstner waves
- Foam rendering
- Collision detection and response
- Swept sphere algorithm
- Gravity
- Fall damage
- Grass rendering
- Color grading
- Gamma correction / HDR
- Multi-pass bloom
- Spatial partitioning
- Distance fog, height fog
- Profiling system
- Console
- Custom binary protocol
- Used for both networking and file IO
- Object pooling